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Our Latest Stories

Here is a shortlist of our ongoing and upcoming webnovel series from Webtale


Coming Soon | Horror

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Coming Soon | Fantasy

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Coming Soon | Horror

A detective is sent to investigate a strange murder at Bedlam Insane Asylum. With the power of psychometry, he learns that there’s been more than one murder and that he’s not the only one with superpowers. His biggest problem however, is that the body of the victim keeps running away.


Coming Soon | Fantasy

What if you could remember every waking moment in exacting detail since the day you were born? But you can’t remember the day the love of your life disappeared? The solution is simple. If you can’t remember what happened, all you need to do is find someone who does.


Coming Soon | Action

Shy, reserved and keeps to himself. And a hulking seven foot wall of muscle. Those were the reasons he spent decades in jail for a crime he didn’t commit. Despite having nothing on his mind but a relaxing retreat into obscurity, the real unpunished killer is convinced his life is in great danger.


Coming Soon | Romance

It started out as a few tasteful pics on her socials. Then a brief but very lucrative career as a camgirl. Now she’s running from her life from an evergrowing mob of killer-stalkers. She can still count on her biggest fan to stand in their way, if only she could figure out who he is.


Coming Soon | Thriller

Trade places with a mysterious benefactor and get a nice fat check and a fresh take on life. With a dead-end career, a bitter divorce and a mountain of debt, the choice seemed obvious. A decade later he came back, having decided to replace his own doppleganger.


Coming Soon | Science Fiction

In the year 2042, humanity found a way to enter the human mind and alter memories, distorting the personalities that depended on them to define who they were. In 2047 the first mind assassin was caught. His target? Himself.

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“You take people, you put them on a journey, you give them peril, you find out who they really are.”

Joss Whedon